Monday, November 2, 2009

I Can't seem to stop watching this stupid show, wish there were better shows on Monday evenings... Man cry me a river! One minute she is saying she could never go back to being a nurse because she could never provide for her family off that salary the next minute she is saying she is from the school of hard work and would do whatever it takes to provide for them! HELLO the party is OVER work a real job like everyone else in America! My Father-in-law was one of 15 kids and his parents took in several foster kids as well and they did not have a lot of money but they made it work and they were happy. Get rid of your big fancy house, stop going to the tanning salon, getting your nails done and wear regular MOM clothes like the rest of us. I am a stay at home Mom and my husband does not make a ton of money but we sacrifice to make ends meet. Trying living in Reality now! The ride is over!